Rethink Robotics Sawyer Connect 4

This project was made for ME 495 at Northwestern University. The final project in this class was to use one of the rethink robotics robots (sawyer or baxter) to do some task. Our group chose connect four. The program uses two cameras, one grayscale on sawyers wrist, and one in color on its head. The head camera is used to assess the condition of the game board, and the one on the wrist is used to accurately pick up and place checkers using apriltag position markers. The checker pickup location and each slot on the connect 4 board is labelled with an apriltag.

For this project I worked on the pick-up and place functionality of the robot. I integrated the apriltag functionality with moveit (a ROS package) to control the movement of the robot arm. The user can pass a number into the function I wrote and the robot will pick up a checker and place it in the corresponding slot.